Hopkins and Allen XL8 - Is this a fatal Crack?


Feb 24, 2008
Mesa, AZ
Is this crack fatal for shooting? It is located at the center of my thumb in the second picture.




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There was a recent thread about a frame crack in I think a Rolling Block that showed a weld that was done correctly by using a sample of the gun steel to determine the composition of the steel and determine the composition of the welding material. But I can't find that thread and the search function here appears to not be working. I doubt sampling and custom welding would be in the picture. Due to the condition and low cost I was planning a re-nickel/restoration (my work, I wouldn't send it out). I got it cheap enough that putting some money into it wouldn't be absurd. It wouldn't be profitable but I like the idea of bringing back the dead. But if the crack is fatal I'll stop and eat my losses.

I realize a true/final answer has to be made in person. I need to figure out if it is worth having it looked at by an expert. Opinions wanted.

I had to do some gymnastics with the camera to get the pictures that I did. I apologize for the poor pictures.
No it doesn't. On the inside it only goes to about 1/4of the way to the slot. But on the outside it goes to EDIT ABOUT HALFWAY TO THE SLOT AS A HAIRLINE CRACK.
I didn't see that with my eye. The picture made that easier to see. That is the hardest picture to take with the extractor in the way. But the screw to remove it is buggered and im going to have to take it someplace to have it removed. It also doesn't appear on the outside of the frame.

I think I know how it cracked during a kludge of a repair of the arbor. Either by the original repair by others or me removing the reppaired arbor by force. Either way that force will never be applied again.



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Search function here is working now and I found the thread about testing the steel and welding a crack in a Trapdoor. Unfortunately that repair was made in Bulgaria. So I guess I'll be looking for a micro welder. I figure they are out there. Any suggestions on a micro welder in Arizona? I'm going to call my weld inspection company from work and see what they would charge to sample and test for. Composition.
I’m bringing this one to my gunsmith who may be able to weld it. He might have to send it out though. We will see.
It's at the gunsmith for evaluation, welding if doable. He's also going to remove 2 screws that I can't. Both on the ejector assembly.