Anyone use an x bow or for your kid?

Axis II

Jul 2, 2015
I trust people on here will be honest. I have a Barnett crossbow scope and possibly a single point sling for a crossbow. I would prefer it go to a youth or someone who may legitimately need it and cant afford it. 100% PIF.
I have a Barnett crossbow with a scope and can't imagine a small person (child) could manage the set-up due to the weight of the bow and the force necessary to cock it even with the string cocker. The weight of the scope would probably not be a factor.

An adult or a decent-sized teen would probably be the ones who could use it best.
I have a Barnett crossbow with a scope and can't imagine a small person (child) could manage the set-up due to the weight of the bow and the force necessary to cock it even with the string cocker. The weight of the scope would probably not be a factor.

An adult or a decent-sized teen would probably be the ones who could use it best.
Thats why i also included someone else in there as well. Kids do have their own x bow and mostly shoot it off a tripod when hunting. Either way if someone needs it it’s theirs. Just trying to weed out the its free its for me.
My grand-daughters(age 16 and 14) have used an older TenPoint crossbow of mine for a coupla years and have successfully taken deer with it. It's true, they cannot cock it by themselves, but since they aren't down at the lane unless me or their dad is there, it really isn't an issue. Weight isn't any different than a rifle.