Snipe Hunt

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Dec 18, 2007
Anybody ever shot one? I was scouting some duck spots today and shot my first. Despite low water, there are plenty of duck in Missouri now.

Plucked him and hanging it in the fridge now. I basically glassed him and closed the gap. Interested to see how it tastes.

Not really a snipe, but I've shot a number of woodcocks. Even a double a few years ago. They're tiny but make a good although elaborate roast when you have a few.
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Shot what will likely be my last dove of the year today. Both are in brine and intact, will roast them tomorrow for a taste test.
Whenever the subject of snipe hunting comes up, my first instinct is that I am the butt of the joke.

This is why whenever the subject of snipe hunting comes up I always post a link to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission website. Without it I've had people argue with me that there is no such thing as a "snipe" and that I was trying to make a fool of them.

Well, sometimes I was! Because they were dead certain there was no such thing and I showed them there is. (laughing)
No comment on Snipe hunting. But I do have a comment about the dog pictures. I love a "proud dog" picture when they're posed with a pile of birds. I like it even better when the dogs are old enough to have a grey muzzle, or a mutt. I mean, just LOOK AT THOSE TWO DOGS!

Edit - And filthy!
I actually got my first snipe last year in some marshland. I shot it mid flight and it took me like 5 minutes of looking through weeds before I found it.

I cooked it with a pheasant and it was very good. There wasn't a lot of meat on it though.
I participated on some hunts in Boy Scouts.
Among my most proud moments in life is when I convinced a couple guys to try snipe fishing. One drove the little tiller handle job boat in circles as fast as he could, the other held the net deep in the water trying to catch the great blue snipe who like Asian carp respond to sound by coming up to the surface, but they don’t jump.
Stupid question but how do you guys prepare snipe? I read somewhere that you aren't even supposed to gut it (Which I found weird and sounded fishy to me). :uhoh:
Stupid question but how do you guys prepare snipe?
Gut, pluck, cut the head/feet, rinse and use stuffing of your choice. The simple procedure for most fowl, except on smaller scale. If you want to skin them instead of plucking, cover them with strips of bacon for cooking to prevent them from drying out.
I recommend moderation with seasoning, it's all too easy to mask their flavor. Keeping it simple with some salt, black pepper and green pepper seems to work nicely.
I like to do them and teal in the same manner. I breast them and take the drummies. Make a tinfoil boat with carrots, celery, and a bit of onion. Add either some bits of bacon (the good kind with fat, not some sissy turkey bacon or other such nonsense) or a good dab of butter or coconut oil. Add a dash of marsala wine or good whiskey. Pepper, salt, a pinch of sage. Grill on low heat, when the veggies are nearly done, open the boat up and add some chips to the coals to give them some smoke.
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